Harper. M. (2011). Reference sources and services for youth. New York, NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-55570-641-8. 2 nd Edition forthcoming ALA Editions 2019. Harper, M. 21 st century literacies: A complete guide. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, Publishers Inc. Publication forthcoming, 2019. Harper, M. Cataloging for school librarians. ALA Editions. Publication forthcoming, December 2019. Invited Chapters Fostering resilience, wellness and hope in the school library. (Anticipated publication Fall 2019). In Mardis, M.A. & Oberg, D. (Eds), Social Justice and Cultural Competency: Essential Readings for School Librarians. The International Perspective, Volume 2. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
Evaluating effectiveness of teachers and school librarians. (2017). In Marcia Mardis (Ed.), Librarians and educators collaborating for success: The international perspective. Santa Barbara, CA: International Association of School Librarians. Reference Sources and Services for Youth. (2013). In Cassell, K. and Uma Hiremath (Eds). Reference and Information Services in the 21st Century: An Introduction, 3rd ed. Chicago, IL: Neil Schuman Publishers, ALA Editions. Linking Audiovisuals with Multicultural Literature. (2010). In Smolen, L. and Oswald, R. (Eds). Multicultural Literature and Response: Affirming Diverse Voices. Columbus, OH: Linworth Publishing. Handbooks Harper, M. Helping Those Who Hurt: an annotated bibliography for congregational libraries serving teens and children. Church and Synagogue Library Association. March, 2013. Electronic Portfolio Handbook for Practicum for School Library Students Created August 2007; Revised May, 2011. Contents include: Letter to Students, E-Portfolio Rubric, Checklist, and Standards Alignment with American Association of School Librarians and Ohio Department of Education Academic Content K-12 Library Guidelines. Conference Proceedings Harper, M. (2016). Designing an innovative school library environment to facilitate 21st century literacy skills. International Association of School Librarians. August 2016. Tokyo, Japan. Harper, M. 2013. “Other Ways of Knowing: How School Librarians Can Take a Leadership Role in Addressing Multiliteracies Across the Curriculum in the School Library.” The Shifting Sands of School Librarianship – Selected papers from the 41st annual conference of the International Association of School Librarianship, and the Sixteenth International Forum on research in School Librarianship, Doha, Qatar, November 12 – 15, 2012. ISBN: 978-1-890861-39-1. Columnist Reach for Reference. Editorial Board Reviewed. School Library Media Monthly. Article columns published October 2008, December 2008, February 2009, March 2009, June 2009, October 2009, December 2009, February 2010, April 2010, and June 2010 issues. Reference Column. Editorial Board Reviewed. Church and Synagogue Library Association: Congregational Libraries Today. Article columns published September 2014, February 2015, August 2015, September 2015. Guest Editor Guest Editor Small Changes: Bringing Vision to Reality Knowledge Quest 35(3), Jan./Feb. 2007. /aaslpubsandjournals/knowledgeque/kqwebarchives /kqwebarchives.cfm#smchanges Invited Reviews Charles Harmon. (Ed.) The Basics of Cataloging for the Media Specialist (Rowman, Littlefield and Brown) August, 2013 Library and Media Connection/American Reference Books Annual. Best of Reference Award: Best electronic reference category. 2012. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. October, 2007. Harmon, Charles. (Ed.) KidzCat: A how-to-do-it manual for cataloging children’s materials & instructional resources. (Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.) March 2007. What Every Teacher Should Know About Libraries. (Corwin Press). May 2005. Highsmith Care and Repair Booklet Highsmith Library Supplies. November 2005. Invited Reviewer 2016-Present School Libraries Worldwide 2014-Present International Information and Library Review (ISSN: 1057-2317) Elsevier Refereed Harper, M. (2017). Helping students who hurt: Care based policies and practices for the school library. School Libraries Worldwide, 23(1), 41-54. Harper, M. (2016). Using literature to help students who hurt. Ohio Media Spectrum – Journal of the Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA), 68(1), 45-57. Harper, M., & Deskins, L. (2015). Using action research to assess and advocate for innovative school library design. Knowledge Quest, 44(2), 24-33. Harper, M. (2015). Evaluating the collaborative efforts of school librarians and teachers. Ohio Media Spectrum –Journal of the Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA), 67(1), 23-30. Harper, M. (2014). Collaboration of school and public libraries finding common ground with the common core to serve students with special needs. Ohio Media Spectrum – Journal of the Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA), 66(1), 47-56. Harper, M. (2013). Savvy school library design to facilitate 21st century literacy skills and the common core. Ohio Media Spectrum – Journal of the Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA), 65(1), 34-43. Harper, M. & Schwelik, J. (2013). The school library challenge: Changing perceptions, creating supporters and gaining advocates with library advisory committees. Knowledge Quest, 42(1), 24-28. Harper, M. (2012). Evaluation in the school library as a key to advocacy. Ohio Media Spectrum – Journal of the Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA), 64(1), 15-22. Harper, Meghan (2012). Awesome assessment tools for advocacy in the school library. Ohio Media Spectrum –Journal of the Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA), 64(1), 32-34. Article Series: Harper, M. & Baldini, M. (2011). Cataloging and labeling correlated resources: The final steps to the making correlations series of aligning library resources to academic content standards. Knowledge Quest, 36(5). andjournals/knowledgequest/kqwebarchives/v36/365 /harperbaldini/makingcorrelations5.cfm Harper, M. & Baldini, M. (2010). Making correlations: Budget allocation, advocating, and planning. Knowledge Quest, 36(5). /ala/mgrps/divs/aasl/aaslpubsandjournals /knowledgequest/kqwebarchives/v36/365 /harpercopy/newcopy4.cfm Harper, M. & Baldini, M. (2010). Making correlations: Selection and acquisition of library. Knowledge Quest, 36(5). /aaslpubsandjournals/knowledgequest /kqwebarchives/v36/365/harpercopy/partthree.cfm Harper, M. & Baldini, M. (2008). Correlating the collection to standards: Preparing the collection. Knowledge Quest,36(5). /divs/aasl/aaslpubsandjournals/knowledgequest /kqwebarchives/v36/365/365harperbaldini.cfm Harper, M. & Baldini, M. (2008). Making correlations. Knowledge Quest, 36(4). /ala/mgrps/divs/aasl /aaslpubsandjournals/knowledgequest /kqwebarchives/v36/364/354harper.cfm Dees, D.M., Niesz, T., Harper, M., Emens, S., Zavota, G., Hovhannisyan, G., Tu, T., Kan, K. H. (2009). Shifting professional identities: reflections on a faculty learning community experience. Learning Communities Journal, 1(2), 49-74. Harper, M. and Holmes, J. (2007) The impact of ubiquitous computing on library facilities. Knowledge Quest, 35(3). /aaslpubsandjournals/knowledgequest /kqwebarchives/v35/353/353harperholmes.cfm Harper, M. (2007). Bringing vision to reality. Knowledge Quest, 35(3) 12-13. Harper, M. (2007). How physical design can influence copyright compliance. Knowledge Quest, 35(3), 30-32. Copyright bibliography. Knowledge Quest. Jan/Feb 2007. /kqweb/kqweb.htm Copyright extras: Bookmarks. Knowledge Quest. Jan/Feb 2007. /aaslpubsandjournals/knowledgequest /kqwebarchives/v35/353/HarperBookmarks1.pdf Copyright extras: Notices and signs. Knowledge Quest. Jan/Feb 2007. /aaslpubsandjournals/knowledgequest /kqwebarchives/v35/353/HarperNotices1.pdf Editorial Board Reviewed Article Series: Harper, M. (2013). An overview of RDA and FRBR (pronounced furr-burr). Implementing RDA in Congregational Libraries series. Church & Synagogue Library Association Newsletter, 36(2). Harper, M. (2010). My favorite reference resource: Bring American history into focus with Sharpe online reference. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 26(10), 34-36. Harper, M. (2010.). My favorite reference resource: Explore the excellent xspaces in scholastic's expert space. School Library Media Activities Monthly 26(8), 37-39. Harper, M. (2010). My favorite reference resource: Pop culture universe: icons, idols, ideas. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 26(6), 36-38. Harper, M. (2009). My favorite reference resource: Teen health and wellness: a rosen database. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 26(4), 36-38. Harper, M. (2009). My favorite reference resource: H.W. Wilson's non book materials core collection. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 26(2), 35-37. Harper, M. (2009). My favorite reference resource: A look at national geographic united states and world atlases. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 25(10), 44-46. Harper, M. (2009). My favorite reference resource: Explore and tap into multiple musical resources with oxford music online. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 25(7), 46-48. Harper, M. (2009). My favorite reference resource: Explore world book discover. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 25(6), 46-47. Harper, M. (2009). My favorite reference resource: Cash in on biography reference bank's multiple reference resources. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 25(4), 47-48. Harper, M. (2008). My favorite reference resource: access science for millennials, teachers, and library media specialists. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 25(2), 45-46. Harper, M. (2007). Designing quality library lesson plans. Library Media Connection, 26(3), 42-43. Harper, M. (2007). Awesome audiovisuals. Congregational Libraries Today, July/August 1-5. |